Indicate the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the published of the first month of March (March 2010) that "clots deep vein" and "paid blood vessels lung" are two of the major health problems in the United States, and also all over the world without an exception.
And confirm the official statistics in the United States that about 600 thousand people are infected in one of these cases Asahatin, every year, and that accordingly, or at the very least, die 100 thousand people a year in the United States because of clots deep vein and its repercussions affecting adversely the health status and quality of life.
As part of health education campaigns in the United States, devoted this month to raise awareness of DVT, or what is known as "clots deep vein" Deep vein thrombosis, which cut b (DVT) and remember centers that every person to know whether there has one or some " factors increased the likelihood of the risk of "risk factors of stroke veins. As you must know the steps that can be applied to protect oneself from infection with these venous clots.
Deep veins
Vascular peek, is the pipeline being the blood. It is known that there are two types of blood vessels, are the veins and arteries. Put simply, the arteries are the blood in which the outside of the heart, that is injected into the arteries as a result of contraction of heart muscle. And veins are blood vessels that pass the blood when the return journey to the heart.

Unlike the superficial veins of the phenomenon is visible when looking at the skin, there is a network of deep veins that do not see with the naked eye. These veins at risk of blood clot cases, ie, the thrombus from clotted blood, which is either completely block blood flow in those veins, and they may either fall apart, and thus move to the deepest and the most important places in the body.
Signs of stroke veins
The majority of these cases affect the deep veins in the legs or thighs. If I got this case, were examined skin the affected area, you notice the following signs:
· Heat and warm when you touch the skin.
· The complaint of pain, without even touching the skin of that region.
· Swelling or swelling in the leg or thigh.
· Redness of the skin.
However, medical sources confirmed that the United States about 50 per cent of people who develop clots veins, do not show symptoms indicate its presence. Therefore, the doctors alert for the possibility of its existence without any symptoms, and diagnosis of infection through screening ultrasound, Doppler technology, or other means of X-ray detection. And must be addressed without delay, so that the danger is that the break up of these blood clots solid relatively to move to the blood vessels within the lung, results in the case of «hit a vascular lung» (pulmonary embolism) pulmonary embolism, or moving gestures These clots venosus blocking blood vessels in a network of coronary arteries of the heart, results in a stroke attack. Or gestures to move the venous clots of blood vessels to the brain, results in the case of stroke.
Pulmonary embolism
Sources indicate that there are several symptoms of the infection status of «hit a pulmonary blood vessels». Including:
· Difficulties, even slightly, breathing freely and easily.
· Increase, more than usual, in the number of pulses of the heart.
· Some sense of distress or pain in the chest, especially when it is getting worse and more pain when taking deep breath or when coughing.
· Exit sputum mixed with blood.
· The amount of low blood pressure, dizziness, or loss of consciousness.
Mechanism of blood clotting
There are three major mechanisms, one gets through the blood to clot abnormally, in the course of the veins. The first relates to the mechanism not to give the opportunity to facilitate the continued flow of blood through the veins, as happens when you sit for long periods or sleep for long periods, without moving the muscles of the legs or thighs. It is known that the movement of muscles contribute to the pressure on the blood inside the veins, thus moving the blood and not to give the opportunity to silence and Tglth. The second mechanism related to the existence of a problem in the natural order of the balance between clotting and liquidity in the blood, and the third linked to disorders in the walls of blood vessels. And the period following the surgical procedure is one of the most important time periods with a high risk of stroke, deep vein, so that the movement of the person carrying During the very long time, any anesthesia and time spent on the surgery and after surgery, until you can start the patient standing and walking. So doctors keen interest in this surgery is to prevent the incidence of these health problem.
Risk factors
Researchers at the "American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons" and put a list of the definition of patients at high risk of stroke, deep vein. It includes what people who have:
· Previous stroke injury in lung blood vessels, stroke or deep vein in the leg or thigh.
· A case of "diffuse body cancer."
· The presence of disorder in the form of veins, like varicose veins of the legs or thighs.
· The fact that a person of smokers.
Eat hormone «estrogen» feminine, as in the pill or pills female hormones that are given compensatory in the menopause.
· Whether the woman is pregnant.
· The fact that the person has a greater weight or obesity.
Five steps for the prevention of vein thrombosis
"U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention," summed up in five steps are important, and means of prevention of blood clots veins. They include:
1. When you have to sit for long periods, such as travel by plane or car or train, for more than four hours, you should take into account the following points:
· Make sure to do the walk every two hours, the highest rating.
· Perform exercises to move the feet and legs, while seated on the bench.
· Be sure to drink plenty of water. And avoid alcohol or drinks containing caffeine.
2. Once you have the opportunity, ie, immediately after the trip when you travel or movement to allow the doctor after the surgery, be sure to walk from time to time.
3. If you are a people who have higher potential risk of clots veins, discussed the matter with your doctor to use the kinds of socks high, ie up to the knee or above, to prevent pooling of blood in the veins of the legs or thighs.
4. If you are of these people also, be sure to ask your doctor about whether there is a need for the drugs you take a «gas» and anti-blood clot of blood.
5. Always on the physical exercise, and maintain body weight within the normal rates, and not smoking.

by dr.jhon savir


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