Often people are interested in the low level of iron in the blood, because it leads to a type of anemia (anemia), on the one hand, and because the iron, on the other hand, means strength and good health.
It is notable that people do not pay no attention to the high level of iron for normal level, but on the contrary, they may rejoice in the event the level of iron (especially when their children) is higher than normal level, did not know that such a high complication may be fatal in some cases .
And iron is a mineral needed by hemoglobin Hemoglobin (a protein found inside red blood cells carry the oxygen). Also, iron is essential for energy production, and the muscles and various organs in the body function to the fullest.
It is known scientifically that 70 percent of the iron body is united with the hemoglobin in red blood cells, while the remainder of it Vihadd with other proteins, such as: "Turansvirin" Transferrin in the blood and "ferritin" Ferritin in bone marrow (pure) Bone Marrow or be stored in the tissues and organs of the body.
When the dying red blood cells (red cell age ranges between 100 and 120 days) off the iron within it, and the Turansvirin transferred to the bone marrow and to other organs such as liver and spleen, where the stores. It uses iron in the bone marrow to make new red cells.
And varies the normal level of iron in the blood between 37 and 165 mcg / dl (micrograms per deciliter), while containing the body in 3-4 grams of iron.
It is noted that the level of iron in men is higher than in women, due to the loss of women to a certain amount of iron as a result of monthly bleeding (menstruation) associated with the menstrual cycle. However, this picture changed after the age of menopause (menopause), we believe that the level of iron begins to rise slowly to about its level in men. However, it must check the level of iron and ferritin to make sure that women's need for iron after this age. In a study conducted by the author of this article (Dr. Kevorkian collector) and his colleague, Dr. Fawaz al-Zaru (2009) included 451 women Jerusalem after the age of menopause, the level of ferritin in 399 of them down, because of the long years of menstrual bleeding accompanied by loss of iron.
And varies the level of iron in the blood of women between 31 and 126 mcg / dl, while this level varies in men between 55 and 161 mcg / dl. As for the level of ferritin in women Veraouh between 11 and 200 mcg / l (micrograms per liter), while in men ranges between 15 and 400 mcg / l.
And is controlled quantity total natural iron in the human body in the manner and the following mechanism: the body loses daily milligrams and one of the iron through sweating and loss of skin cells and mucous membrane lining of the intestines, and in return the intestinal absorption of milligram and one of the iron (in food) to compensate for the lost. In this way, is to maintain the normal level of iron in the body, note that the body can not remove excess iron in the blood.
As in the case of entering the blood volume more than the quantity of natural (whether through the intestines, or by receiving blood - will be explained later), the body can not get rid of this additional amount, who shall have stored in the liver and muscle of the heart and endocrine glands (especially thyroid , pancreas and testes). Therefore, preferably, if possible, not to exceed the amount of iron intake of 45 milligrams per day, while children should not be only 39 mg. Note that women need to 15 milligrams of iron daily, and the setting calls for a man to 10 milligrams.

Reasons for the high level of iron

As mentioned earlier, the level of iron in the body rises from the normal level in the case that the amount of intestinal absorption of iron exceeds the amount required to compensate for the shortfall as natural as is the case when patients with "blood-pigment gene" Hereditary Hemochromatosis.
As well, the level of iron in the body may rise significantly in the case of repeated blood transfusions Blood Transfusion for the treatment of certain medical conditions, as is the case with the treatment of patients with "Mediterranean anemia", also known as the "thalassemia" Thalassemia. Not to mention the disease in itself lead to a high percentage of iron in the blood, I recall, for example: hemolytic anemia Hemolytic Anemia, vitamin B6 and B12, hemolysis Hemolysis Hepatitis Hepatitis, liver tissue death Necrosis.
The main reasons for the unsatisfactory leading to the high level of iron in the body, are: excessive intake of food rich in iron (which is described later). Or overuse (misuse) in the medication iron-rich, whether in the form of tablets or syrup, or in the form of injection (because the excessive intake of iron by injection lead to iron poisoning). Not to mention the drugs and treatments do not contain iron, but its side effects is to raise the level of iron in the body, I remember, for example, is not limited to, the hormone estrogen, oral contraceptives and drug Methyldopa depressor of arterial hypertension.
As well as the addiction to alcohol leads to increase the level of iron in the blood, to the fact that alcohol in itself harmful to the liver (the hand), and the fact that alcohol helps to absorb iron from the intestine, on the other.

The clinical picture

Among the most prominent signs and symptoms and complications resulting from the high level of iron in the body, are: chronic fatigue, low body weight, difficulty breathing, chronic pain in the joints, pain in the region, the right upper abdomen (the liver), pain in the chest area, hair loss the body, change the color of the skin of the body (gray or dark green or bronze), loss of libido, infertility (in both sexes), menopause, depression, anxiety.
The main complications resulting from the high percentage of iron in the body, are: inflammation of the bone - Articular Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis Osteoporosis, cirrhosis of the liver, Liver Cirrhosis, liver cancer and high enzymes and Tdkhmh, morbidity and damage to heart muscle Cardiomyopathy tachycardia Arrhythmia Heart Failure Heart Failure, heart attack Heart Attack, enlarged spleen, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism, Hypopituitrism Hypopituitrism, disruption of work above kidney gland (adrenal) Adrenal Gland, atrophy of the nerves early Neurodegeneration.

Laboratory diagnosis of disease

Must check the level of iron in the blood when a healthy person once every 12 months, and if the test result indicated a high level of iron, you must also examined the level of "ferritin" and "saturation Turansfirien." It may be that one of the last two Alvhchin within the normal level (even if the accumulation of iron when the person is very high), so you must make Alvhchin, which not only examines the ferritin alone and Turansvirin alone.

Treatment of high level of iron

The objective of the treatment of high level of iron in the body, is to avoid injuring the patient serious complications as a result.
I would like to stress that in the event of discovery of the high level of iron in the initial stages, the results of treatment are good. And get rid of excess iron caused by blood transfusion by giving the patient factors, "chelation" Chelating Agents that bind iron ions, and other words are these drugs (factors) in combination with the iron in the human body, and then output (secretion) compounds resulting by urine and faeces. The latest drug users in this area is the trade name and Deferasirox EXJADE.
But if the disease blood pigment, are reducing the level of iron in the blood by taking blood from a vein from time to time, it is possible to donate blood in case of being good for that.
It is very important that the patients with a high level of iron in their bodies to refrain from eating food rich in iron, such as some types of wheat and cereals (Alchornevkls) eaten for breakfast, beef and liver. I would like to take this opportunity to mention that there are two types of iron, namely:
1. Iron is well absorbed from the intestine, called the scientific Heme Iron-rich food and it, are: red meat, especially beef, and liver of animals and birds.
2. Poor iron absorption, so-called scientific Nonheme Iron is present in plants with green leaves (mallow and spinach ..) and soybeans.
It is known scientifically that food rich in vitamin "C" and alcohol help to improve and speed of absorption of iron from the intestine, especially poor absorption of iron. So you should stay away from foods rich in this vitamin, such as citrus fruits, sweet peppers, broccoli, to name a few. Must also abstain from alcohol and harmful to health forbidden religiously.
And must prevent the high proportion of patients with iron intake of fish and marine animals raw, particularly fish shellfish Shellfish, and for being so full of germs that are active in an environment rich in iron.

by dr.jhon savir


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